"Of all men’s miseries the bitterest is this: to know so much and to have control over nothing." — Herodotus (The Histories)


To have or to feel in control is essential part of our lives, if we do not have it, even in small quantities, we perceive it as a sign that something is wrong. It does not matter where we live, or how profound our background is, or our  life experience. We poses the desire to control ourselves, to control our surroundings or what is worst, to control others.

The channels we exploit to gain control is remarkable. Some rely heavily in deception to obtain what they want, they become over time professional manipulators, and do not have any problem lying or modifying the reality of facts. Some others apply cheap tricks, unrefined ways to acquire personal gain. 

When lies and tricks do not work, some depend, as a last resource, in extortion, intimidating and threatening everybody around them, causing fear. This very particular unhealthy way that people utilize to gain control over others, is as old as human civilization, if one can call the act of tormenting others a civilized act. 

Why is control so important in human lives?, How much of our time and efforts we are willing to invest to secure some kind of control? As it turns out, we apply control tactics ALL the time; even when we are not aware of the situation.

There are very subtle ways available to humans to exercise restraint that when they are apply, hardly anybody notices them, but again, we do it all the time.

  • The silent treatment to your mate
  • Never being understood by your colleagues
  • Expecting everybody around you to read your mind
  • Not willing to agree to anything

More often than not, we underestimate just how much chaos surrounds order, and how inseparable they are, and we tend to focus our attention to one or the other. But when our attention is on chaos, we panic and two things can happen: we could freeze and stay inactive hopping it would go away or do everything that is in our power to take control, no matter the cost!

This piece of music, written in B Minor, it's in the perfect key to remind me that at any given day, our lives could be heaven or could be hell, we could then, throw a tantrum when we don't get our way. I for my part, know that there is frustration when things get out of control, however, in measure 21, there is an invitation to reflect on these specific situations that cause self pity, forcing us to sob unconsolably and feel like a wounded animal. 

At the end of the day, we hope to build enough courage and have patience to wait for the thick clouds to dissipate. Completely heal, we then, plan to go back to our normal life before is to late, before we get swallow by a storm so big, that we would rather want to disappear forever. BUT the question remains, why do we fight perpetually for control?, because, if we don't have it, even in small quantities, somebody else will!

Thank you for reading!

  • Source: Music and Life Notebook
  • Key: B minor
  • Measures: 48
  • Parts: Cello and Piano
  • Duration: 2:45 min
  • Pages: 4

Anaya, Javier: Control
Anaya, Javier
Control (Music and Life Notebook)
Cello, Piano

Contemporary / 2021 / Copyright © Anaya Javier
Make a donation to Javier Anaya


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