“If you come at four in the afternoon, I'll begin to be happy by three.”― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince

Good morning everyone, 

The ability of making friends is a magical aspect in human lives, it seems impossible to think that some people go on with their life without a single person to called friend. Yet again, I know, making friends could be a tiring endeavor and it takes time.

To develop a true friendship that would last a lifetime, could begin with the help of a simple smile, or it could begin with an imperceptible nod in the street to a stranger. The truth is, friendship could begin in strange places, although, it takes conscious effort to maintain, it is one of the most incredible things in the world. 

Sometimes, friendship thrive out of a tragedy, making it even more special. Family members are great prospects and the bond that two people share can begin from the very moment entering the world. 

It is evident that my life has been better with a friend by my side; a friend I can rely on when things get difficult, a friend I may call, perhaps, to share a secret. Many times, all I ask, is someone that sits silently by my side, while we contemplate life. 

If I am being a true friend, I would understand that is not always about me, reciprocity is on the cards and I have to return the favor. True friendship is base on honesty and respect and of course, mutual cooperation. 

Exploring and appreciating the beauty and complexities of friendship is an art in itself, having a friend makes me emotional powerful, prepares me to navigate conflicts. Having a friend should be a constant reminder of the joy, value, and meaning that this companionship brings to my live.

Let's not forget about forgiveness, an ingredient necessary to sustain a friendship that comes handy when things do not go as plan. To conserve a friend for many years to come is a work in progress that never ends.
In many cases, friendship represents being tactful by hiding the true essence of your friend's shortcomings. Being a friend does not mean I don't use some kind of filter on my dealings with people closed to me.

The poet and physician Oliver Wendell Holmes wrote: Don't flatter yourself that friendship authorizes you to say disagreeable things to your intimates. The nearer you come into relation with a person, the more necessary do tact and courtesy become. Except, in cases of necessity, which are rare, leave your friend to learn unpleasant things from his enemies; they are ready enough to tell them.

Nevertheless, friendship is a complex position in every one's lives, and life for its part, unapologetically, throws at us, a bouquet of situations that could serves us well, or not. At the time of choosing friends, at least in my case, I remain cautious. 

My WORST experiences had been handed over to me by people, but on the other hand, I can say just as well,  the MOST wonderful experiences I had in life, had been fulfill by people. It's complicated when I need to choose to be a friend, or just let it go.  But if I have to narrow it down, there are three important tiers to consider at the time to analyze friendship:
  • Friends by Virtue
  • Friends out of Practicality
  • Friends for Gratification
The idea of my friends being other people's enemies and enemies being, no doubt, someone else's friend, something I did not consider before, open my eyes to unknown areas. It could get exponentially more confusing if I allow myself to think someone out there considers me an adversary. I'd rather not to think much about it. Avoiding founding fault in others or myself is perhaps the best way to have peace of mind. It is not my job to proved who is who, time will tell. 

This piece represents a quiet reminder to fiercely defend but gently care for my friends. I hope the melody makes you think about yours, the same way it makes me think about mine. Listen carefully to the piece, it is telling you to be gentle and understanding to them. I do wish, when you listen to it, it will make you feel as if, when they come to visit you at four, you begin feeling happy at three. 

Thank you for your time.

  • Source: Music and Life Book
  • Key: D Major/F Major
  • Measures: 48
  • Parts: Cello and Piano
  • Duration: 3:09 min
  • Pages: 4
Anaya, Javier: By My Side
Anaya, Javier
By My Side (Music and Life Notebook)
Cello, Piano

Contemporary / 2020 / Copyright © Anaya Javier

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