"The difference between sex and love is that sex relieves tension and love causes it."— Woody Allen

Hello everyone, 

Love is a strange phenomenon that if I try to spell it out it with words, I'd ended up short in my explanation. Obviously, there are different kinds of love and philosophers in the course of history had been able to identify a few. But the question remains in the open... what is Love?

Is it possible to express love with music?, Absolutely, in fact, music allows us to express all kinds of emotions, even though, interpretation of music is a personal matter, composers do manage to pinpoint various feelings with impressive accuracy. 

I can only tell you that when love happens, it happens almost unexpectedly, it can certainly take you by surprise and it can also hurt a little. Nevertheless, it is something that most of us look forward to experience in life. Love is as natural as the air we breath. 

Some of us plan our futures base on whether we fall in love or not, some of us swear never ever to fall in love again. Yet, some of us keep searching all our lives for the right person to love. One thing is for certain: Love is a real thing, it could happen to anyone and is everywhere.

The Western Society distinguishes four types of love and has a Greek word for all of them; of course, there are varies sources that define a number of other kinds of love.

  • Affection (Storge)
  • Friendship (Philia)
  • Romance (Eros)
  • Unconditional (Agape)

In an attend to find out more about how our brains and bodies work, there's been extensive studies and experiments done in control situations on each group of love. Obviously, these experiments; had shown a lot of details and informational data that suggest love is more or less a chemical reaction.

If we venture out into the world and look around, is possible to recognized human emotions for what they are, and we could find that indeed, the world is full of love despite all the distractions, despite all the wreck havoc caused by unwanted events; yes, there will always be love, that is the promise of a better world.  

Unconditional love is perhaps, the most daunting of all, because, it is the kind of love a person offers freely, without asking anything in return. Is it even possible for a person to feel such love?. Perhaps. I for my part would like to think so. There are millions of people and I know, there is someone out there, capable of such unselfish manners. 

If you listen to this piece of music, I challenge you to think of the kind of love that has affected you the most, one way or another. You'll find out that, when you experience love, and let yourself go, it becomes one of the most embracing and liberating feelings that enrich life to no degree.

Chaka Kahn couldn't have said it better than in her 1983 hit Ain't nobody:

Captured effortlessly
That's the way it was
Happened so naturally
I did not know it was love
The next thing I felt was you
Holding me close
What was I gonna do?
I let myself go

Thank you for reading


  • Source: Before The Sun Goes Down Notebook
  • Key: C major
  • Measures: 37
  • Parts: Cello and Piano
  • Duration: 2:51 min
  • Pages: 3
Anaya, Javier: Falling In Love
Anaya, Javier
Falling In Love (Before The Sun Goes Down Notebook)
Cello, Piano

Contemporary / 2020 / Copyright © Javier Anaya

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