Medical science has made such progress that there is hardly a healthy human left. —  Aldous Huxley

Hello Everyone,

It has been said, that music has powerful curative properties, but, to know exactly the extent of that claim, would be impossible; however, sounds and specifically music, can improve quality of life, and mitigates symptoms. The healing powers of music, have been well documented since ancient times. Indeed, we need music, wether it will restore our broken bodies or not.

Illness can manifest in the mind or body, everyone is expected to suffer this unnatural phenomenon, in one form or another. The variety of maladies are endless, they can be vicious and attack our bodies aggressively, making us suffer the unthinkable. Disorders can quietly and slowly invade our bodies, gently deceiving our perception, becoming impossible to detect. 

We, then, embark in a long road, wishing to discover something that could help us to ease the pain, desperately searching for someone or something that holds the secret, to our relief. Sometimes though, cures don't exist; we have to rely on a different mechanism if that is the case. Eventually, we are force to walk the long road of surrender, and surrender we do, completely, to the inevitable. 

A great number of disorders are easy to treat, and they may go away with a simple concoction made at home, others are so subtle, that not only attack persistently our minds, they also affect our emotions to the core, making us very vulnerable, _ Terribly similar to a ticking bomb next to us, about to be detonate_ These affected emotions, of which we rarely speak, are common denominators we handle daily, the remedies for our tormented minds aren't always easily at our disposition 

These are the afflictions that humans try at all cost to keep confidential, they are not meant to be known or seen by others, these indispositions torment our essence to the deepest degree, they poison our judgment, making us feel a colossal guilt and therefore, we are force to deny their very existence.

The disorders of the mind, easily fog our discernment. They can modify our behavior to the extent that, sometimes, we don't comprehend what's taking place in our lives, when that transpires, some of us, barely manage daily tasks, and engage our minds in survival mode. Thus, when acting reckless, we put ourselves and people around us in potential danger. But we do not know and we do not care.

Aside from everything, whatever malady occurs in our lives, we simply need someone else to take charge, we suddenly become exposed, useless, tired and often hopeless. Nevertheless, it's always gratifying to know, someone or something can heal us.

When everything else fails, our last desperate resource becomes someone friendly enough, to rely on at all times, for mere comfort. Someone that tells us the big, fat lie, that at the end_whatever that might be_everything will be fine, and at that moment, that is good enough. 

I've called this piece "Long Road", because is precisely about the struggles we faced when our emotions are being touched by physical pain, or mental illness, or the imminent suffering when we are in love, which is, I believe, a real mixture of physical discomfort and mental agony. 

The piece reminds me to embrace every emotion for what it is, especially when I'm ill. Sadness, fear, guilt, depression, or shame, can make their way in. It reminds me also to forgive myself if I stumble, due to my negative emotions. Even better, I will try to make that clumsy wobble, part of the dance.  

I sincerely hope, you remember to "use" music as an aid to bring comfort to whatever you may be going through, and helps shortened the road to a fair distance, to enjoy peace of mind.

Thanks for reading.

Anaya, Javier: Long Road
Anaya, Javier
Long Road (Before The Sun Goes Down Notebook)
Cello, Piano

Contemporary / 2018 / Copyright © Javier Anaya

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